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Our wild crafted Usnea barbata was handpicked in the forests of North America and prepared in unique multi fraction spagyric format.

Traditional use of this lichen is as a supportive anti microbial agent. As such it often finds itself used in preparations supporting conditions such as: Cold & Flus, Throat & Sinus infections, and others. It has a unique flavour profile which can also be utilized in various culinary preparations.

Available in 50ml, 125ml, 250ml and 500ml bottles.

All our Spagyric tinctures are prepared using specific Islamic astrological alignments. The salts or “body” of the plants are also infused with Universal spirit (Azoth) before they are recombined with the extract.

Please note – our E-Shop only offers a glimpse of our complete offerings. If you are looking for larger quantities or wholesale accounts, please email us at info@urbanapothecary.ca, and lets chat!

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Disclaimer: The Urban Apothecary only mentions potential traditional uses of our herbs. We make no medical claims on any of our prepared products, whatsoever. 


50ml, 125ml, 250ml, 500ml


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