Archived Blog
Shatvari – Asparagus racemosus – Monograph
Latin name: Asparagus racemosus – which translates to wild asparagus. Classical & Common names: Sanskrit: Sahasravirya, Shataavari, Shatmooli, Atirasa, Bahusutaa, Shatpadi, Shatviryaa, Bhiry, Indivari, Vari. Satawar, Shimai-shadavari, Ammaikodi. Challagadda, Pilligadalu, […]
Chicken Soup – Medicinal or not?
Chicken Soup An age old remedy for colds, flus , or general malaise.. Its mechanisms are numerous.. Steam to moisturize, broth a great food for debility, the herbs generally offer […]
Lets talk Cilantro + Chlorella debunk
Folks its time to set the record straight…. Cilantro & Chlorella have been touted as champion chelators, that remove heavy metals from the body. I’m sorry to bust this bubble […]
Quitting smoking – Tips from a herbalist
I’ve had a lot of people ask me how i quit smoking exactly 10 years and 25 days today. It was no easy journey rest assured but here are my […]
The truth about Essential Oils
Oh Essential Oils.. or as i like to call them, pretentious spoils. Consider the following folks: -essential oils are a very small representation of the actual constituents of a herb […]
Screen time and Toddlers
Experts in North America have long warned of overly exposing children to screens. In fact the current advice from the Canadian Pediatric Society recommendation is that children should not use […]
Gum Disease & Dementia
It’s been a while now that modern medicine has connected gum disease to various disorders. For example, Patients with gum disease (periodontal disease) are 2-3x more likely to have a […]
Vegetarianism & Genetics
Interesting study I found from 2016 by Cornell University that suggests that genetic variation may be one of the chief reasons why some folks thrive on a vegetarian diet. Ive […]
Cannabis -a possible liver protective herb
Interesting… it seems that Cannabis has a protective effect on the liver.. In fact the study determined that odds were significantly lower for developing a plethora of liver diseases including: […]
The Vitamin D Industry
Vitamin D supplementation has exploded in recent years.. But is it really that effective? Recent research is showing not necessarily. The most recent findings on muscoskeletal health showed Vitamin D […]
Saunas – Healthier than we thought?
An interesting study done in Finland has shown that Sauna use 4-7 times a week reduced the risk of dementia and Alzheimers by 66% and 65% respectively. The study was […]
Squid & Cuttlefish Ink – a new class of medicines
After consuming a bowl of hand made squid ink pasta last night with a friend, I pondered about the medicinal properties of this substance. I’ve always believed that virtually every […]
Gut Microbiota – we are entering a new era
As of the science is literally turning its head around and starting to look away from probiotics, a massive lucrative industry that thrives on impressive marketing and claims of more […]
Iron & your health
Friends I found a really good study last night! Here is a massive Report by the UK government’s Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) on Iron and Health. Its about […]
The grass is always greener on the other side
The grass is always greener on the other side.. As a medical herbalist i see this concept applied way too often in our society, particularly when it comes to ones […]
Electronic Cigarettes – Safety Update
A new study has been released which shows that E-cigarettes are not as safe as we think. its not a long read but it basically shows how vaped e-cig juice […]
The Coconut Industry – a reality check
When I sit and contemplate modern food trends, the one food that always came to mind is.. Coconuts. With the explosion in demand for coconut oil, sugar, milk and water, […]
Clarified butter VS Ghrita (Ghee)
The ancient medicinal system of Ayurveda has been around for thousands of years, and has been gaining a lot more popularity in the west. One of the main elements that […]
Bitters – Your Best Friends
The first few thoughts that pop into most peoples heads upon the mention of bitters are: Angostura and cocktails! However, there is much more to to the wonderful world of […]
Ayurveda & The Six Tastes
For my first Ayurvedic related post, I would like to briefly introduce the system and its concepts. Ayurveda is an ancient system of healing that originated in India and is […]
Why See A Herbalist
In my experience I have found that the term “herbalist” is often misunderstood. Some of the most common misconceptions I’ve come across include: Gardening specialists Culinary seasoning experts Botanists Wild […]
Oyster Mushrooms – The Cholesterol Fighter
When considering the use of medicinal mushrooms, one doesn’t have to venture into the deep woods! Consider the elegant Oyster Mushroom commonly found in grocery stores, and fine food suppliers. […]
Fermented Foods – Not Just A Probiotic Powerhouse
Fermented foods are once more gaining popularity, which is a great thing considering the myriad of digestive disorders that plague our modern day societies. These foods are supportive of a […]
The Urban Apothecary’s Medicated Hair Oil – A Super Hair Tonic!
Finding a source for authentic, high quality, Ayurvedic Medicated Oils in North America has always been a challenge, until… NOW! Our Ayurvedic Medicated Oils (Siddha Tailam) are made using a […]
Kitchari – The Perfect Meal
Kitchari is one of my favorite meals to consume, and tends to find its way on to my menu at least twice a week. It is an Indian preparation used […]
The Medical Applications Of: True Ceylon Cinnamon (Latin Name: Cinnamomum Verum)
Herbal medicine is not always about using exotic herbs. A lot of the common herbs found in your kitchen pantry, can have great medicinal value. In this article, id like […]
The Medical Applications Of: Liquorice (Latin Name: Glycyrrhiza Spp.)
Liquorice is a traditional remedy, and has been used medicinally for at least 3000 years. It has been mentioned in Assyrian and Ancient Egyptian scriptures and has a long history […]
Antibacterial Soap – A Well Marketed Fallacy
“Somehow, through marketing or misinformation we’ve been led to believe that if we get rid of bacteria we’ll improve our lives and our health”, “In fact the opposite is true” […]