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The grass is always greener on the other side

The grass is always greener on the other side..

As a medical herbalist i see this concept applied way too often in our society, particularly when it comes to ones own health..

The west is completely obsessed with Ayurveda (Indian herbal medicine), Chinese medicine, Amazonian herbs and “super foods” to name a few. Whilst the East has its own obsession with the Wests approach.. For example, In India, Homeopathy is HUGE and growing very fast! Western herbalism is seen as superior by many eastern practitioners who spend fortunes importing herbal tinctures.

I sit here as a person who was born and raised in the middle east (literally the half way point) confused as to why either side cant see this simple equation.. Why is it east or west? why not east meets west! Why not utilize all the tools available to you and use them to your advantage?

This is how i differentiate my approach and practice. Having solid science to fall back on whilst amalgamating the many tools the east and western herbal world have to offer. Tongue diagnosis, Pulse diagnosis & Urinalysis, are some of my many tools. I also preference local and invasive plants over imports, which is something all herbalists should be doing.

For many of us, our allure with the exotic has been intertwined with our desire for results.. its time to step back and regain balance.

To your good health friends..

2 thoughts on “The grass is always greener on the other side

  1. Hi I am thrilled to find an Arabic Muslim herbalist I wanted to go the same path but Because I live in Egypt I went through a very hard path I studied pharmacognosy as a master degree after graduation instead of clinical herbalism but I didn’t finish the degree because it turned to be a waste of money,time and effort and I was just dealing with chemicals and I didn’t learn anything about treating patients with herbs
    So Now After 7 years of confusion I don’t know what to do let it go
    Or take an online certification which will not be enough
    Or travel to learn in Canada or Us
    What do you recommend please for me and do you have a mentoring program Please

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